I am a great advocate of goals and goal setting tactics. However, many times goals can act as a barrier to your success rather than a tool for accomplishing your desires! Why this is so I will try to explain in this article and I will also endeavour to give you the best ways of combating this problem.
Although goal-setting has been proven to help launch you towards the success you desire many people fail to reach their goals and therefore they become a block to their future success. This is because we tend to set up beliefs based on prior experience. Reaching goals sets up a mental belief that you can reach goals. If you have reached some goals previously then you will have strong, positive beliefs about your ability to do it again. If, on the other hot https://npfinancials.com.au/and, you have tried and failed numerous times to reach goals you probably have a very negative view about goal-setting. This view, or belief, will seriously damage any future attempt to reach your desires.
For this reason I believe most of your major goals should be of a personal development nature. By striving to better yourself and your understanding of how your mind works you will eliminate many of the causes for goal-failure!
The most common reason for failing to reach your goals lies in over-confidence. Setting objectives that are too high or too far from where you are now, without having a proper, reasonable and realistic plan to reach them is like trying to fish in the Sahara.
Goals need to be reasonable. There is nothing you cannot accomplish but in order to get to a place, within yourself, where you are capable of achieving big goals you must set some foundations!
These foundations are set by acquiring the skills you need to accomplish your goals. An example of this would be setting a goal to be CEO of a company in 2 years when you don’t even work for them! Wanting to earn $10,000 a week when you are currently on welfare is just as hard!
You should start with stepping-stone goals. They should be easy enough to achieve but should require some work on your part. At the same time you should set personal development goals that help you improve as a person. For example, you should set a personal development goal to fin