regional associations in countries as far as Scotland and Brazil, the game has spread far beyond its Asian roots.
Muay Thai: Literally means “Thai Boxing” when translated. Originating in ancient Thailand (though various similar fighting forms exist throughout South East Asian countries) the sport owes its beginnings to battlefield combat. Like other martial arts, it focuses on body fitness and toughness. Known as the “art of eight limbs”, Muay Thai uses all parts of the body for attacking u and defending and has few restrictions. As a result some matches can be quite brutal. The World Muay Thai Council, which is the governing body, includes 120 member countries around the world. With the recent success of the reality television show “The Contender: Asia”, the sport’s popularity is definitely growing.
Squash: The game was developed in London in the early 1900’s, with the name “squash” referring to the use of a “squashable” ball. Now 125 countries are affiliated with the World Squash Federation. Along with karate and rugby, it is among seven sports currently shortlisted to be included in the 2016 Olympics. Similar to tennis in the level of fitness and skills required, but using a much faster moving ball, it had previously been denied entry to the Olympic program due to spectator restrictions; primarily because it’s played on enclosed courts. This was rectified by creating tinted glass walls, allowing the game to be visible from the exterior but yet not distracting to the players inside.
Karate: Another martial art to be considered is this popular one originating